The Fairbury Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to coordinate the following events:
- Quarterly Business After Hours
- Annual Fairbury Community Sale
- Annual Fairbury Christmas Parade
- Annual Golf Outing
- Annual Dinner and Meeting
The Fairbury Area Chamber of Commerce is also proud to offer the following services:
- The Fairbury Area Chamber of Commerce is the stopping point for newcomers, residents and business people looking for particular goods and services. Our policy is to refer ONLY OUR MEMBERS!
- Chamber Bucks are available year-around at the office and the downtown location of Bluestem Bank and ONLY MEMBER BUSINESSES that opt for this service are eligible to redeem Chamber Bucks!
- MEMBERS ONLY will receive their business information in the FACOC Business Directory, published annually.
- MEMBERS ONLY are listed on the Fairbury Area Chamber of Commerce website!
- MEMBERS WHO ARE ALSO SPONSORS will receive ads in the Business Directory, Prairie Dirt Classic Brochure, and their logo on the homepage of the website!
- Membership door stickers let others know you support the Fairbury Area and they can do the same by buying from you!
- Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies are organized for new Chamber businesses with accompanying press coverage and picture.
- CHAMBER MEMBERS ONLY can leave brochures and business cards in the Chamber office to be distributed to new residents/visitors.
- Business After Hours are a wonderful way to showcase your business. If there has been a recent re-model, new owners, new services, and new staff, then hosting a Business After Hours is what your business needs!
- Exchanging ideas, experiences and fellowship with your peers in the business community is encouraged through Business After Hours and the Chamber’s Annual Banquet.
- Various Chamber events are designed to enhance community knowledge and encourage shopping in the Prairie Central area.
- Mailing addresses of membership available in electronic form free of charge for CHAMBER MEMBERS ONLY. This will help businesses promote business interest.
- Free listing FOR MEMBERS ONLY on the Chamber’s website with contact information for your business!
- Free posting of help wanted for your business on the Chamber Facebook page (2100 followers and growing) FOR MEMBERS ONLY!
- Free continuous posting of your business’ Facebook posts to the Chamber Facebook page (2100 followers and growing) FOR MEMBERS ONLY!
- The Fairbury Area Chamber of Commerce continues to have a solid working relationship with other area groups such as the Fairbury Improvement Group, Specialty Shops Group, Livingston County Connections Group, Fairbury IL Attractions, and Central Illinois Attractions Group to provide events and programs for all residents, employees, and visitors to the Prairie Central and Fairbury area.
- Dues and sponsorship (advertising) are deductible business expenses.
Your Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of citizens who are investing time and money in a community development program, working together to improve the economic, civic, and cultural well-being of the area.
Businesses, individuals, and organizations are eligible to belong to the Fairbury Area Chamber of Commerce. Dues are structured so even the smallest business can be a member.
Members finance the work of the Chamber, based on their abilities and interests, with a broad scope of opportunities to serve.
The Chamber is composed of volunteers serving as committee members and board directors. The Executive Director is a paid position, financed by the members, who devotes her/his efforts to build strong organizations, and carry out the policies determined by the Board of Directors, to best represent the interest of the membership.
The Chamber is a service and action organization for businesses. It provides a venue through which people can take effective action for the progress of their communities.
It helps create job opportunities through the stimulation of industrial and commercial growth. It also seeks improvements in the community infrastructure and human resources.
The Chamber aids in bringing events and gatherings to the city.
The Chamber of Commerce unifies the public spirit of our community and directs it into useful and constructive channels.
You have a business at stake in the community, which can be best safeguarded by working with others through the Chamber to protect and advance all businesses.
Your support is returned to the community yielding benefits in new industry, increased payroll, and community advancement.
The Chamber of Commerce cannot carry out its broad program of work to protect and advance business without your personal service and financial support.
Through the Chamber, you can best discharge your obligations to the community in which you live and earn your living.
An active membership in your Chamber carries with it a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction know that you are doing your share in an important job!